this site contains:
proceed at %%ur% own risk!!

depictions of cartoon injury with stylized flesh, bones, or blood. this also includes candy gore, in which body parts are made of unnatural materials like fruit or candy
rapidly flickering images, gifs, and extremely saturated colors, which may affect %%ppl% with sensory processing issues, migraines or seizures. large moving elements generally respect %%ur% device's reduced motion settings
unlabeled fake or misleading content, like conspiracy theories, simulated ads, and glitches. these %%r% not designed %%2% %%b% upsetting or malicious, but %%pls% %%b% aware!!

i'm not a professional, but i do my best to make the site accessible where i can. it's an art site first and foremost, but i want it to be enjoyable for as many folks as possible!!

typing quirks

typing quirks (numbers in place of letters, abbreviations, puns, etc) can be disabled in the page settings menu at the top of the page. it is disabled for screenreaders by default. this setting is saved in your browser across all pages!!

keyboard navigation

i have made an effort to test keyboard navigation as much as possible work in progress pages may not work as well.

if you notice a screenreader or keyboard nav problem, please send me a message on neocities or any of my other contact links and i'll do my best to correct it if i can!!

all pages on this site require javascript to run correctly - %%u% %%wont% %%b% able %%2% access games or other interactive content without it, and many pages may not load
%%i% try %%2% make pages mobile-%A%friendly\\furiendly% when %%i% have the time, but this site is always going %%2% look best on a large %N%scr33n%. some features may not work correctly without a mouse!!
a little robot cat with a screen for a face